Themes of the back issues of "Living Well Future Report"

Below is a list of themes of the back issues of "Living Well Future Report." 

If you'd like to receive any of the actual back issue, please send an email to and let us know which issue you'd like to receive. 

The cost of each issue will be 2,500 JPY and if you'd like to also receive the recording of the Sharing Session that goes with that particular issue, it would be 5,000 JPY. 


◆Vol.1     August 2022     "We are all being colonized!?"     

◆Vol.2     September 2022   "History as a Powerful Tool for Colonization"

◆Vol.3     October 2022     "Defend your Imagination, No Kidding!"

◆Vol.4     November 2022     "A Post-State Alternative"

◆Vol.5     December 2022     "Unleashing Our Anarchic Instincts"

◆Vol.6     January 2023    "From Jomon to Ainu: Their Worldview and Their Resistance to Colonization"

◆Vol.7     February 2023    "Economics of the 'Uncivilized' Societies"

◆Vol.8     March 2023     "Neoliberalism is Neither New nor Liberal"

◆Vol.9     April 2023     "What Adam Smith and Karl Marx had Truly Longed for"

◆Vol.10   May 2023     "Creating “Exilic Spaces” in our Daily Lives"

◆Vol.11   June 2023     "Re-embedding Economy back to Society through Social Solidarity Economy"

◆Vol.12   July 2023     "Taking over Municipalities: Municipalism and the Fearless Cities"

◆Vol.13   August 2023     "The Great Resignation and Anti-Work"

◆Vol.14   September 2023     "Do We Know What True Democracy is?"

◆Vol.15   October 2023     "What are Borders for?"

◆Vol.16   November 2023     "The Gaza Crisis and Israel's Border Business"

◆Vol.17   December 2023     "Get Rid of Prisons and Police! ∼The Emergence of Abolitionism"

◆Vol.18   January 2024     "The Double Colonization of Okinawa"

◆Vol.19   February 2024     "Race, Ethnicity and Nation are All Social Constructs"

◆Vol.20   March 2024     "The Hidden Labor of Women and the Role of Family"

◆Vol.21   April 2024     "Exploring the Difficulties and the Possibilities of Social Movements through Identity Politics and Intersectionality"

◆Vol.22   May 2024     "The Ends and the Means of Social Movement ~ Reform or Revolution, Violence or Nonviolence"

◆Vol.23   June 2024     "The Emerging Trends of Social Movements            ~Prefigurative Politics and Emergent Strategies~"

◆Vol.24   July 2024     "How Does Colonization Take Place?"

◆Vol.25   August 2024     "How Can we Decolonize Ourselves?"



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